Pin is your ultimate tool for discovering, saving, and sharing top recommendations for everything you love. Save a Pin to keep track of all your favorite recommendations in one place. Easily share your favorite Pins with friends and family to spread the word about great finds. Explore Pins shared by others to discover new and exciting recommendations that suit your interests.
UI / UX Design
Tech Stack
Firebase(Auth | DB | Storage)
Google Maps API
Unsplash API
About the project
The goal of Pin is to create a seamless and enjoyable experience for discovering, saving, and sharing recommendations for everything you love. By providing a platform where users can effortlessly keep track of their favorite finds, share them with friends and family, and explore new suggestions from a community of like-minded individuals, Pin aims to become the go-to tool for connecting people through shared interests and enhancing their daily lives with valuable recommendations.
This will hide itself!
Pin is your ultimate tool for discovering, saving, and sharing top recommendations for everything you love. Save a Pin to keep track of all your favorite recommendations in one place. Easily share your favorite Pins with friends and family to spread the word about great finds. Explore Pins shared by others to discover new and exciting recommendations that suit your interests.
UI / UX Design
Tech Stack
Firebase(Auth | DB | Storage)
Google Maps API
Unsplash API
About the project
The goal of Pin is to create a seamless and enjoyable experience for discovering, saving, and sharing recommendations for everything you love. By providing a platform where users can effortlessly keep track of their favorite finds, share them with friends and family, and explore new suggestions from a community of like-minded individuals, Pin aims to become the go-to tool for connecting people through shared interests and enhancing their daily lives with valuable recommendations.
This will hide itself!
Pin is your ultimate tool for discovering, saving, and sharing top recommendations for everything you love. Save a Pin to keep track of all your favorite recommendations in one place. Easily share your favorite Pins with friends and family to spread the word about great finds. Explore Pins shared by others to discover new and exciting recommendations that suit your interests.
UI / UX Design
Tech Stack
Firebase(Auth | DB | Storage)
Google Maps API
Unsplash API
About the project
The goal of Pin is to create a seamless and enjoyable experience for discovering, saving, and sharing recommendations for everything you love. By providing a platform where users can effortlessly keep track of their favorite finds, share them with friends and family, and explore new suggestions from a community of like-minded individuals, Pin aims to become the go-to tool for connecting people through shared interests and enhancing their daily lives with valuable recommendations.
This will hide itself!